We recently decided to move our corporate SaaS IncidentMonitor environment to Microsoft’s Azure platform. In doing so we thought it may prove beneficial to others to recount our experience moving IncidentMonitor to Azure.
IncidentMonitor Service Desk Software In Azure
All These Different Channels - How do we manage?
It’s 2018 and we still hear people mentioning this pain point. Over the years our industry has had much discussion about management of out-of-band data. You know, those direct-to-the-agent emails, corporate wikis that somehow become our responsibility and the dreaded walk-ups or fly-bys.
Policy Based Service Management
What is policy based service management ? We’ve been talking about it for years. It’s the most important aspect of any Service Management Framework/Application that can guarantee consistent/repeatable service delivery.
We're Jumping on the ITSM Bandwagon - Where do we start?
OK, one of the questions or approaches we hear quite…
What is AI / Machine Learning in the Service Management Vertical
Ok, so we have quite a few vendors jumping on the AI/Machine Learning band wagon in the last few months (you know who!!).. It’s quite frustrating as these guys make it sound like they invented AI for the service management space.
Monitor 24-7 releases IncidentMonitor™ 9.7.3 Service Desk Software
We are excited to announce a new release of IncidentMonitor™. With IncidentMonitor™ 9.7.3 we, again, have improved our user experience with a refreshed look and feel including many new enhancements and improvements.
Why vendors need an automated product returns solution (RMA Software)
With the economy going more digital every day a clear and seamless return policy is necessary to retain existing customers and acquire prospective customers. A significant percentage of consumers say a clear Product Return Policy influences their decision to buy from a vendor.
Monitor 24-7 releases IncidentMonitor™ 9.7 Service Desk Software
With the release of IncidentMonitor™ 9.7 we further improved our user experience with updated preview windows, enhanced calendar views, Asset Scheduling for loan type of assets like meeting rooms, projectors, laptops, scheduling of recurring events, better control of tasks,
IncidentMonitor News December
IncidentMonitor™ 9.7.4 will be released in January and you should see what the team has done. Besides some great new enhancements, we have also listened carefully to what our clients have to say.
IncidentMonitor News August
Check out the busy month we've had. A new release of IncidentMonitor - Version 9.7.35. New Support Video Information and New Flexible Licenses and news about What's Coming! It's all in our August News.