Delivering a Personalized Experience in IT Service by Defining the Customer Journey
Advancements in digital technologies have placed more power in the hands of the customer and shifted their expectations. This has resulted in an overall switch from product to service to value delivery – and this does not end with external customers, but extends to internal employee expectations, as well.
Think of how our interactions as a consumer with brands have changed from single transactions, such as buying clothes and CDs or renting movies, towards subscription models that enable access to all of these products when, where, and how we want them. In the era when everything is “as-a-service”, service desk teams must adapt to the shifted expectations that come out of the consumer world by focusing on outcomes and value, rather than outputs.
Original Article Source Credits: ThinkHDI ,
Article Written By: Nancy Louisnord
Original Article Posted on: October 28, 2020
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