Service Desk Metrics Extracting Value for the Business
In todays rapidly moving business environments IT is a critical factor in any businesses success. But it's all too often a scenario that the Business views IT as overhead and somewhat troublesome. Who can blame them as we technical people tend to talk in "geek" speaks and the business wants to talk in contribution to the bottom line and business value add.
We all know that IT provides value to the business we just need the correct tools to enable us to convey this to the business. We also need to understand the businesses perspective to ensure that the we are all "singing from the same song sheet". What I mean by this is we really need to understand what the business thinks success and value are. For example, we may deem a new update to an in-house developed application a success because the Change was deployed without complications but the business may view it as a failure because the Change process took too long to deploy and we missed our business window of opportunity.
In order to determine the necessary metrics and break down these communications barriers/misunderstandings we have developed a Service Desk Business Intelligence tool which enables you to easily extract your necessary metrics and ensure we deliver the correct data to the business. Check it out !!!
For the best service management software in Canada, USA, and the Netherlands, reach out to Monitor 24-7. With our advanced and flexible information technology service management (ITSM) solution – IncidentMonitor, we offer our clients pride of ownership, agile development, and rock-solid business stability, translating into smooth, hassle-free relationships with customers. In a market that can be over-complicated, we offer solutions that simplify your service desk challenges and help you breathe easy.
As part of our extensive services, we offer Service Desk, Help Desk, ITIL, ITSM, Incident Management, Service Catalog, Change Management, Service Management, CMDB and Customer Service to clients across Markham, Toronto, Ottawa, Ontario, Vancouver, British Columbia and Chicago in the USA, and Hague, Haarlem, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht in the Netherlands.
For a complete list of our services, please click here. If you have any questions about IncidentMonitor, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us here.